The benefits of (IF) and why you should try it today.

Everything you need to know about Intermittent Fasting (IF)

Let’s start with the basics- all intermittent fasting means is - a window of time that you don’t eat. No need to feel scared or intimidated, because I’ll let you in on a little’re already doing it.

We all fast while we sleep - all IF does is extend that window.

Now, this next part is important - so hear me loud and clear. IF is NOT :

  • Severe calorie restriction

  • Or a starvation diet

Those myths need to be dispelled real quick.

Our genetics as human beings have not changed, but the world around us has - significantly.  We eat ALL the time as a society, we have easy, cheap, accessible food at every corner - literally. Your digestive system would like, and frankly needs, a break sometimes, insert intermittent fasting. 

Now that we know what IF is, and isn’t - let’s talk about the top 3 benefits (in my opinion of course) 


1. Body Composition

Is losing body fat something you’re interested in? IF should be your next go to and here’s why…

  • IF makes stored body fat more accessible for energy

  • IF is more efficient for retaining muscle mass than daily calorie restriction.  If you want to lose body fat - MUSCLE IS KING! The more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest.  Yes, AT REST! That means with more muscle on your body, you burn more calories lounging on the sofa vs folks with less muscle. 

  • IF makes it hard to overeat.  Plain and simple, you have an eating window, and need to stick to it.  When you are STILL consuming 2-6 meals per day (based on your goals or eating style) in a limited window - the mindless snacking stops and you become more aware of what you are eating. 


2. Cellular Repair

  • During a fasted state (since your body isn’t digesting food) it will begin to repair itself in some amazing ways…

  • According to data published in the Journal of Molecular Neuroscience IF can stimulate the production of new brain cells.  I mean, do I really need to keep going? What an incredible benefit! 

  • Studies have also revealed that IF increases our levels of BDNF (brain-derived neurotropic factor) which improves neuroplasticity, enhances cognitive function, and protects our brain from disease

  • IF can also improve symptoms of depression and anxiety in 80% of patients - Why are we not talking about this?! You guys this is information that the world needs to know about.

  • Our bodies begin cellular autophagy during a fasted state - which is a fancy term for your body recycling old cells and using them for energy to create new ones 

  • THIS IS ANTI-AGING MY FRIENDS - and not the toxic skin cream from the drug store peddling empty promises anti-aging - this is the good stuff.  Our bodies have the ability to remove waste and detoxify itself - IF YOU LET IT - and that is amazing. 

3. Improves Metabolic Function 

  • IF improves insulin sensitivity - which leads to easier fat loss, less risk of disease, better brain health, and fewer cravings. 

  • Satiety hormones are increased during IF - which means your body can support fat loss without an increased appetite. 

  • The moral of the story here boils down to this… if HEALTHY is the goal, WEIGHT LOSS will be the benefit.  Not the other way around it - and using IF is a great way to get there.   

Now the part you have been waiting for, how do I do it?

And that depends solely on YOU! It’s time you stop eating according to someone else’s body and start focusing on your own.

A basic fast is a 12-12: 12 hour eating window, 12 hour fasting window

So let’s say 7am-7pm. Maybe 8am-8pm. Make it your own! Is it 10am-10pm?

What works for you and your schedule? Are you an early bird or a night owl? Work around that - just try to stop eating about 2 hours before bed. 

Pay attention to how you feel - take photos - add in a workout plan or nutrition plan to maximize the benefits.

From there you can take your fast from 12 hours all the way up to 16 hours for females and 18 hours for males.  Anything more than that is extreme in my opinion and I chose not to go there. 

That’s all it is! Just keep in mind the shorter your eating window, the less you can naturally eat throughout the day. Just make sure you are getting enough calories. This is not a starvation diet - I’ll say it again - please don’t go there, and if you are there please reach out for help. 

I personally thrive on the 12-12 fast. I feel absolutely amazing when I’m fasting - but don’t let IF become your prison.  We are human and we aren’t perfect, so don’t expect it.  Be real with yourself...and remember, all you need is balance.

Please find me on social media or email me and reach out if you have any questions on IF - I’m happy to help.

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